MegaCityHipHop.Com - Your Toronto Hip Hop Source


Live Motivatorz The Live Motivator Faculty is an institution of higher learning, where the art of music making and real life experience work in ensemble for the advancement of hip hop culture.

Based on the principles "Originate, Elevate, Motivate", the Faculty is renowned their ability to make the ordinary seem extraordinary. Our connection to the streets and commitment to elevating the art form allows us to paint abstract portraits of street life, expressed through music and sure to start a revolution in hip hop…are you motivated?

Honorary faculty members include Gusto, Ralo Lopez, Reno, and Quiet Storm. Street inspired stories based on our personal life experiences, our environment, and the experiences of our peers, laid the groundwork for our school of thought.

As a collective, the Live Motivator Faculty sound can be best described as well rounded. "We like to make music that represents our perspective on life. We believe that our fans can relate to us and our music because we don't speak to them, we speak with them".

The Live Motivator Faculty has performed live on Much Music, heated up the stage at the annual Urban Music Festival, and left audiences in awe during performances at various urban showcases across the city. Not to mention a commercial airing regularly on MuchVibe.

We invite you to explore our reality, to use our experience, and to expand your mind. Live Motivator Faculty music represents "The true stories from the streets", for the world to hear so get motivated!
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© Copyright 2007 Dig Deep Productions