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African Kidd Born and raised in Westmoreland, Jamaica (Savannah-la-mar) ripping up dancehalls and talent shows all over Jamaica. As a member of Park International Soccer Club catch Damian Davis (a.k.a. African Kidd) on the field brucking defenders and busting goals like crazy or around the various venues putting it down for his reggae dancehall fans that span from Jamaica to Tdot. Damian's first entrance to the music scene was in January of 2000 when he and Mr. Flowers met in Jamaica while attending the funeral of his Grandmother, Daisy Monroe. The two hit it off and discovered that each other's style was complimentary of the other. He visited Toronto-based George Flowers and the rest is as you say "history". African Kidd has made big waves with his first single "Sugar Bear," co-written and produced by G.Flowers and A.Valenti. With a string of singles, guest spots and compilations that have followed this first release and a slew of new fans, this artist looks well on his way to being a modern day super star. Damian lives in Jamaica, and can often be seen heading up promotion after promotion all over Jamaica. Or running some football in one of the many local matches. Keep an eye out for this talented individual as it seems like nothing but green lights in this young man's Musical Future. African Kidd representing since 1995.

Motto: You have already failed if you have never tried.
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